The Bohemians is a musical society that has been in active continuous existence since its foundation in 1878. The club members hold a Social Evening each week from October until the week following Easter Monday. Currently the designated evening is Monday, the venue is Elm Park Golf Club and the starting time is 7.45pm.
The Social Evening consists of a program of musical performances by Performing Members and guests as invited by the Chairman for the evening. A different member takes the chair each evening. On particular evenings such as the Charity Night, Dinner Nights and Ladies Night the President for the year takes the chair. The Chairperson is assisted by the Vice-Chairperson.
“News of major change in the Bohemians Musical Club”
After more than 100 years as a Club restricted to male membership, the Members, at a recent Extraordinary General Meeting voted overwhelmingly to pass the following Resolution ;”That the Bohemians open up and extend to Female Persons Full Membership of the Club”. Now, many Female Artistes, who, as guest performers have delighted Bohemians and their guests with their singing and musicianship over many years can ( and some already have)become fully part of a great musical experience.”
Members are allowed and actively encouraged to bring guests along to the Social Evenings. Many current members would have made their initial acquaintance with the Bohemians having been invited along as a guest.
Events & Activities
Weekly Musical evening lasting Two and a half hours approximately from 7.45pm to 10.15pm. The season extends from October to April each year.
Would you like to join The Bohemians? Please contact Declan Corcoran and we will get back to you as soon as possible.